Fate brought us together in the auspicious surroundings of a Spanish Language class in the southern Spanish city of Almeria in 2015. A  short walk together after the class revealed a mutual love of movies and photography. After a few detours, we have now chosen to combine our skills and our passion to create El Studio Primo. Our desire is to provide high-quality, affordable photography, to be flexible and reliable, and to create dreams and memories that can be cherished forever.


I love to express myself through my photography, trying to capture those little details in a scene or an attitude, a face or an emotion, to capture the soul of a person, to show the viewer what is not usually revealed. I grew up in London but my photography life really started on the vibrant city streets of Brighton, on the south coast of England. My photos were regularly featured in the annual Brighton and Hove calendar, I had several exhibitions in Brighton and had a photo featured in center pages of ´The Sun´ newspaper, the biggest selling newspaper in England. Since leaving the UK I have traveled around Europe, photographing the people and places I have encountered. I finally settled in Almeria, drawn by the beautiful light, the epic scenery, and the wonderful people of this region of Southern Spain.


In everything, I’m searching for what’s beautiful, original, and different. I search for the things that help the specific person, place, or object to stand out from the crowd, to be noticed and appreciated. I love everything that carries colour and emotion. In my soul I’m an impressionist, I love working with light and colour. Photography has been my passion for more than 20 years now. I also love traveling and have had a chance to travel to many places and visit and take inspiration from some of the biggest galleries and artists around the world. I have 10 years of experience at different levels in the film business. I’ve worked for companies like Warner Bros and 20th Century Fox. I’ve had a chance to work with Oscar-winning costume designers and actors like Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Sylvester Stallone, Scarlet Johansson, and Hilary Swank.
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